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The Incredibles 3 Çıkış Tarihi! Ne Zaman Çıkacak?

The Incredibles 3 filmi ne zaman gelecek? Incredibles 3 filmi hakkında en güncel haberler ve bilgiler. İşte Tüm bildiklerimiz..

The Incredibles 3 Çıkacak Mı?

The Incredibles 3 orijinal adı ile The Incredibles 3 filmi hakkında en son haberleri ve bilgileri paylaşacağım. The Incredibles dizisinin süper kahramanı olan bir aile toplumundan kötü adamları gizlice yeniyor, insanlara zarar gelmesini engelliyorlardı.

The Incredibles 3 filminin gelip gelmeyeceği, vizyon tarihi ve filmin ne zaman vizyonda olacağı gibi sorular sorulmaya başlandı. Brad Bird’ün Incredibles özelliği şöyle diyor: ‘The Incredibles 3 filmi vizyona girmeyecek’ demek yanlış bir ifade olur. Yeni film hakkında çok söylenti var ama ben kapıları sonuna kadar kapatmadım. Ancak Seri 3 filmi doğal olabilir.

The Incredibles film serisi

The Incredibles is a popular animated film series created by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The series revolves around the Parr family, a family of superheroes living in a world where superheroes are forced to hide their powers and live normal lives. Here’s some information about the films in The Incredibles series:

The Incredibles (2004): This is the first film in the series and introduces the audience to the Parr family. The film follows the story of Bob Parr, also known as Mr. Incredible, and his wife Helen, also known as Elastigirl, as they navigate their lives as superheroes in hiding. They are called back into action to save the world from a supervillain named Syndrome.

Incredibles 2 (2018): This is the highly anticipated sequel to the first film, released 14 years later. Incredibles 2 picks up immediately after the events of the first film and focuses on Helen Parr, who takes on a new mission to advocate for the return of supers while Bob Parr stays at home to take care of their children. The family faces new challenges and encounters a new supervillain called Screenslaver.

Both films in The Incredibles series have been critically acclaimed for their storytelling, animation, and memorable characters. They blend action, humor, and heartwarming family dynamics to create an entertaining experience for audiences of all ages. The films have been praised for their themes of family, identity, and embracing one’s unique abilities.

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there have been no official announcements regarding any future films in The Incredibles series. However, it’s always possible that Pixar and Disney may decide to continue the franchise in the future.

incredibles 3
incredibles 3

The Incredibles 3 Ne Zaman Çıkacak?

Yeni versiyon animasyon operasyonu ile yeni karakterler ve yeni efektler denendi ve yapımında birçok arkadaşın emeği geçti ve bu güzel sonuca ulaştık. The Incredibles 3‘ün kesinlikle bir çıkmaz sokak olmadığını söyleyemem, her zaman açık bir kapıya gitmeli. Hatta arşivdeki bazı filmlerle ilgili güzel çekim araştırmaları var ve yeni bir film çekeceksem bunları kullanmak istiyorum.’ konuşmadı.

Son açıklamanın ardından The Incredibles 3 filmi hakkında net bir açıklama yapılmadı. Ancak yine de bu durumdaki filmin vizyona girip girmeyeceği net değil. İkinci film uzun bir aradan sonra çıktı ama umarız yeni seri de bir an önce gelir. Yeni bir haber, duyuru veya söylenti olduğunda bu sayfayı güncelleyeceğiz.

The Incredibles benzeri filmler.

If you enjoyed The Incredibles and are looking for similar films with a combination of superhero elements, family dynamics, and animated storytelling, here are some recommendations:

Big Hero 6 (2014): This Disney animated film follows a young prodigy named Hiro Hamada and his inflatable robot Baymax as they form a superhero team to combat a dangerous villain in the high-tech city of San Fransokyo.

Megamind (2010): In this animated comedy, the supervillain Megamind accidentally becomes the hero after defeating his arch-nemesis. He must navigate his new role while dealing with the challenges of being a superhero.

Sky High (2005): This live-action superhero comedy takes place at a high school for superheroes’ children. It follows Will Stronghold, the son of legendary heroes, as he tries to find his place in a world where everyone expects him to be extraordinary.

The Iron Giant (1999): Although not centered around superheroes, this animated film tells the story of a young boy named Hogarth who befriends a giant alien robot. Together, they must protect the robot from the government and prevent a potential catastrophe.

The Fantastic Four (2005) and Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007): These live-action films are based on the Marvel Comics superhero team. They follow the adventures of four individuals who gain superpowers after exposure to cosmic radiation and must use their abilities to save the world from various threats.

These films capture some of the themes and elements found in The Incredibles, such as extraordinary abilities, family dynamics, and the challenges faced by superheroes. Each film brings its own unique twist to the genre, providing an enjoyable experience for fans of animated and superhero storytelling.


  • inanılmaz aile 3, The Incredibles 3, inanılmaz aile 3 ne zaman çıkacak, inanılmaz aile 3 çıkacak mı.


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